EDC Faculty Promoted
Dr. Samar El Khoudary was promoted to Professor with tenure. Samar is a leader of the SWAN study, has an R01 related to HDL and ovarian aging, and directs the data core for several clinical trials. This past year, she was honored to present the Kim Sutton-Tyrrell lecture. Samar is the Vice Chair of Education in the Department of Epidemiology, and she teaches Epidemiological Methods.
Dr. Marnie Bertolet was promoted to Associate Professor. Marnie is the lead statistician on the MINT and SCD-CARRE trials among other studies, and her expertise is in clinical trial design and statistical methods, including Bayesian methods. Marnie taught the Clinical Trials class in the Department of Epidemiology for the last decade, and her teaching has been recognized with several awards.
We cannot overstate the contributions that Samar and Marnie have made to the ongoing success of the Epidemiology Data Center.